IMA AKN Sinha Institute of Continuing Medical & Health Education and Research was established by a resolution of the Central Council of Indian Medical Association with the main objectives of imparting Continuing Medical and Health Education, conducting Research and organizing Certificate Courses for medical graduates.

Objectives of Institute:
- To plan and conduct Post Graduate Certificate Courses for Medical Graduates in the modern system of medicine.
- Conduct, encourage & support research projects in medical field.
- To fulfill the academic needs of the profession by taking steps to make it a deemed university.
Different courses are prepared in collaboration with various national and international organizations like Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, National / Human Rights Commission, UNICEF, USAID, WHO etc.
This is done by trained faculty / qualified resource persons and other experts in their respective fields.
Because of their busy schedules doctors in practice cannot complete regular post graduate courses. The problems much more for those, who reside in distant towns and villages.
Distance learning courses have specially been designed for them to that they can learn and appear in the examinations while doing their practice.