Featured Courses
Advanced Medical Skills at your fingertips
Course Fee:
- The present Course fee which includes registration fee, cost of study material, postages and other incidental expenses is mentioned in the Schedule of Fees at the end of this Brochure. The amount should be sent only by a Demand Draft favoring “IMA AKN SINHA INSTITUTE” payable at Patna.
- Complete course fee is to be paid in advance in a single installment.
- Fees paid one course shall not be adjusted for other course.
Medium of Instruction is English only
Institute awards credit hours to various courses depending upon the efforts to be put it to successfully complete a course by an average participant.
The courses have been granted CME Credit hours as given below:-
Credit Hours
- Family Planning 110
- Lactation Management 90
- Torture Medicine 85
- Adolescent Health 75
- Pediatrics 180
- Medical Negligence & CPA 45
- Clinical Cardiology 100
- Rheumatology 100
- HIV/AIDS 135
- Geriatric Medicine 190
- Environment & Occ.Health 150
- Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases 100
- Reproductive & Child Health 80
- Psychiatry & Sexual Medicine 100
- Clinical Diabetes 100
- Radiology (Radio-Diagnosis) 100